Get bs4 module by like pip install bs4 or search up how to do it on your os.
Copy the program to a file and replace the email and password part with yours.
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
payload = {
'portalAccountUsername': 'email', #replace with your email
'portalAccountPassword': 'password' #replace with your password
with requests.Session() as s:
p ='', data=payload)
gradebook = s.get('')
soup = BeautifulSoup(gradebook.content, 'html.parser')
strings = soup.find_all(class_="Data al")
numbers = soup.find_all(class_="Data ac")
class_names = []
teachers = []
letter_grade = []
number_grades = []
for string in strings:
string = string.get_text().strip() #get the raw text from each element in strings
if string != "": #for strings with text
if(len(string) < 3 and string[0].isupper()): #if the string is less than 3 chars and the first letter is uppercase
letter_grade.append(string) # it's a letter grade
elif(string.istitle() and '-' not in string): #if the string is a title (all words only have the first letter capitalized) and there are no hyphens)
teachers.append(string) # it's a teacher
elif(len(string) > 5): # if it's not the other two and the length of the string is greater than 5
class_names.append(string) # it's a class
for num in numbers:
if('span' in str(num)): #if there's span in the element (only number grades have span in them)
num = num.span # num is equal to the span tag
if(num.get('style') != "display:none;"): # if the style attribute of the span tag isn't "display:none;"
num = num.get_text().strip() # get the innerHTML of the span
if num != "" and len(num) > 2: # if the text is greater than 2 and isn't nothing
if(num[:2].isnumeric()): # if the first two characters of the grade are numbers
number_grades.append(num) # it's a number grade
assert len(class_names) == len(teachers) == len(letter_grade) == len(number_grades)
# iterate through all the lists at the same time and print the elements as it goes
for name, teacher, letter, number in zip(class_names, teachers, letter_grade, number_grades):
if(letter == "A+" or number == '100.00'):
code = '\u001b[32;1m'
elif('A' in letter):
code = '\u001b[32m'
elif('B' in letter):
code = '\u001b[34;1m'
elif('C' in letter):
code = '\u001b[33;1m'
elif('D' in letter):
code = '\u001b[31;1m'
elif('F' in letter):
code = '\u001b[31m'
code = '\u001b[0m'
print(f"\u001b[0m{name} ({teacher}) - {code}{number} \u001b[0m({code}{letter}\u001b[0m)")